Monday, 30 November 2009

Year 3/4 & 4 Science - Websites for Friction & Resistance

Lick on any site to link over...This will be updated through the term

From the Hamilton Trust Suggested Websites

Friction and Forces
An overview:
From class:
An on-line forcemeter to try out at home!

Mrs. T

Science - Year 3/4 & 4 Friction and Resistance Introduction

The sleighs are being built and you can feel the 'friction' building!  This term we are researching Friction and we'll either get stuck or find the way forward slow going.  Either way...looks to be fun and, of course, very hands on.

We explored the forces involved in magnets and have been introduced to a 'Forcemeter'
Our vocabulary for the term is:
force    friction     air resistance         water resistance       forcemeter(why not metre Mrs. T wants to know?)
Newtons        gravity        surface area          mass        prediction     hypothesis        conclusion

Please make sure next week!  You will need to bring in a full change of clothes for our swimming lesson!  Yes...your swimming kit and another change of clothes besides your school uniform.  Why?  Hmm...that would spoil the fun and I want to 'resist' that!

Mrs. T

KS2 Astronaut Training Camp - Mission Set!

 Wow!  The team of astronauts came together last Thursday and researched the missions past for the space shuttle and international space station.  I was impressed at how quickly they worked together and decided, not only on what their own mission would be centred around, but which jobs each astronaut would step into.

As it stands, we have.
 3 mission specialists (Brazil, Canada, Japan) - each planning a space walk to study Black Holes.
1 mission specialist (Italy) - planning a space walk and continuing research into the Moon.
Mission Commander (Germany) - continuing research on 'Astronaut Technology'
Pilot (Finland)

Some of our astronaut team was ill and we will be catching up with them this week.  Each astronaut has been researching mission patches used by the Space Shuttle and are working on their own design that will reflect their combined mission.  We will post the design once it is complete.

Our family night and ISS charter has been postponed to December 10th to allow all astronauts time to prepare and ensure the patches are complete.

Mrs. T

Sunday, 8 November 2009

KS2 Astronaut Training Camp

(All images courtesy of

Wow!  We have grown and the club is considered filled with 9 to insure we can complete the projects scheduled for the next 3 terms.

This coming week we have completed our country assignments and journals are started.  Each astronaut has chosen a country to represent and is working on learning the language.

Currently our project has representatives for the following countries:
United Kingdom
United States

We have included all the countries we currently are working with in our Comenius Project (Finland, Germany and Poland).

Our current term is busy so I will post the outline and work to update as we finalize any events.
Remember, wear your PE kits to TRAIN and bring your journal!

Term 2

  • Week 1 (5/11):  Review languages and flags.  Complete country/astronaut links.
  • Week 2 (12/11):  Training.  Sign the International Space Station charter. Fitness without gravity.  Research mission project and select.  HW:  Patch design. Training. Pending:  approval for remote tracking station visit.
  • Week 3 (19/11):  Training.  Continue: Module research and selection.  Begin module design in teams.  Presentation of Astronaut Countries and patch selection at 4.00pm (Families invited...remember to bring a dish from your country to share).
  • Week 4 (26/11):  We need walkie talkies on this DAY! (Wear your astronaut kit from this day on.)  Thanksgiving Day in America!  Training and team building projects (Working together at a distance)
  • Week 5:   Training.  Continue Module Design.
  • Week 6: Satellite Communication.  How do we talk to things in space?
  • Week 7: No meeting.  School is OUT for Christmas!  Enjoy.
 Nasa International Space Station Page
European Space Agency
"* The 18 ESA Member States are: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
Canada, Hungary, Poland and Romania participate in some ESA projects under cooperation agreements." As of 5/11/09 (