Here are just some of our PicLits. They are word studies of our vocabulary. The instructions were to find a pics that captured the essence of the word's definition. I was truly impressed by the quality of work and thoughtfulness of the picture choices. I will post the rest tomorrow. Well done!
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Our PicLits - reflections and studies of our vocabulary words #1
Posted by Anonymous at 22:10 0 comments
Saturday, 2 October 2010
We did it! We did it! PicLits....
Here is what two of them did...completely on their own. I am SOOO excited to use this more!
This was found on PhillyTeacher... excellent resource.
2nd grade - my son. He did this quickly...not bad! |
Posted by Anonymous at 09:21 0 comments
Labels: PicLits, Technology helps with my math progression
Progression – also helps me id any gaps and engages my students with their learning in an interesting, visual and kinetic way! Is there an on-line program you use?
Would you like a cup? I love Tazo Rest...zzzz |
First, the assessments are clear and else to understand for my use. Students take pretests, practice problems; mid-course tests…all that can be monitored quickly, on-line to help me ‘see’ where students are in different math areas. Plus, they seem to enjoy sending me updates from home, at crazy hours to show off their quality work. So far my latest sent report from a student was 10.30pm... and yes, that is 5/6 grade.
Posted by Anonymous at 00:25 0 comments
Labels: classroom organization, good buys, math mastery, planning to learn, tea time, Technology
Monday, 27 September 2010
Posted by Anonymous at 23:23 0 comments
Labels: assessment, behavior, classroom organization, good buys, planning to learn, PMP, ponderings, RTI, tea time, Technology
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Year 3/4 and 4 Food Chains - Homework and Websites
Hi... here are some websites that will help with your science homework this week. If you have any questions, go to our website and use the contact page to send them in.
Have fun!
Learn more about food chains:
The BBC Habitat -
You can print out the quiz from the bbc habitat site and turn this in as well!
Mrs. T
Posted by Anonymous at 05:04 0 comments
Labels: Year 4, Yr 3/4 Science, Yr 4 Science
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Year 1 WORLD MATHS DAY!!!! Don't miss!
Year 1,
Make sure you remind your families to check your book bags tonight. Tomorrow is World Maths Day and our class is registered to take on challenges with other children across the globe.
Your official username and password has been sent home in your book bags tonight and you can access the site early to give it a go! Teachers and families are also encouraged to try their maths 'on' that day, so I'll be signing on as soon as I get home as well.
I hope you enjoy the challenge and the fun of taking part in this world wide event!
Mrs. T
Posted by Anonymous at 07:08 0 comments
Labels: Yr 1
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Grand Opening for our Year 3/4 and 4 Bicester Zoo starts tomorrow!
Your model habitats are assembled and we have considered what resources we need to build a zoo here in Bicester. This week we will learn about categorizing our creatures and provide school tours for our zoo!
Things to consider:
Can you think of ways that certain animals are similar or different?
Going back to MRGRENS: How are similar creatures MRGRENS alike or different?
Remember, you also have your school trip to the Rainforest on Friday. When you are there, consider how the builders designed the eco-home to contain and support the plants and animals far away from their natural habitat.
Mrs. T
Posted by Anonymous at 16:27 0 comments
Labels: Yr 3/4 Science, Yr 4 Science
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Science Challenge....all years!
Explore the nooks around your home. What type of creatures (including insects) and plants (even molds) can you find?
Why do you think these 'living organisms' have decided to live with you?
Take a walk around the outside of your home. What creatures and plants do you find there? Are they different or similar to the ones you have in-side?
Why do you think these 'living organisms' have decide to live outside?
Do you think you could live outside your home? Why or why not?
Remember: You can e-mail through our contact web-page. Challenge participants are recorded and are entered for fun awards or prizes!
Mrs. T
Posted by Anonymous at 09:43 0 comments
Labels: KS1 Wacky Science, Yr 1, Yr 3/4 Science, Yr 4 Science
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Half Term Fun - Science and Astronaut Club
Over the next 5 days, I'll be posting some challenges and questions for Year 3, 3/4 and 4 science groups, Year 1 Wacky Science and our Astronaut Club. Our learning platform might take a little more time for me to get organized, so I'll also keep our blog up until we have the LP up and running.
Remember, you can e-mail me through the web page. I'll post your comments and questions on our blog.
Hope you had a fun weekend...check back Monday.
Mrs. T
Posted by Anonymous at 18:06 0 comments
Labels: KS1 Wacky Science, KS2 Astronaut Training Camp, Yr 3/4 Science, Yr 4 Science
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Our learning platform is UP! You will get info in class this week...see you there :)
Mrs. T
Posted by Anonymous at 16:02 0 comments