Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Terrific Tuesday and homework

What a great way to start the day!
What a another surprise!  My chair was decorated by little elves so bright and cheerfully!  Each time I sit down I will think of you all!  Thank you bunches!

Today we continued to edit our poem and took a look at some of the other math standards we will find on the end of the year math test coming up in a little over a week.  We should be able to take fractions such as 1 1/2, 5 3/4, 7 1/4 and turn them into decimals.

Since we are approaching 5th grade, we no longer use terms like 'point 25' and instead use '25 hundredths'.  It's kind of tricky...but using the correct math vocabulary helps us remember the value of our decimal numbers.  We can also use our decimal vocabulary to turn a decimal back into fractions!!!  '5 tenths' = 5/10!
Very cool!

Tonight we are working on our FAST FACTs.  At the beginning of each week, we take a Fast Fact quiz to test ourselves on multiplication or other calculations.  This week we are reviewing our math multiples, finding equivalent fractions and reducing fractions.  On Friday, we take the quiz again...but this time, we get a grade.  So through the week, if we don't feel 'strong' on the calculations we are working on, we can study them.
the bottom of FF this week covers fractions!

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!