Years ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I used to work in Satellite Operations. I worked with teams of people and we supported launches of programs like GPS (yes, like the ones in your car!) and other programs. Rockets took the satellites into space and we helped put them in orbit around our Earth so they could do the work they were built for. One time, just one time, we supported a satellite that was launched from the space shuttle! I was so excited to meet the astronauts that would end up flying in space. Years later, my family moved to Florida and I worked with some of the Overnight and Camp programs at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. Working there I had a chance to see the International Space Station being built, meet and talk with more astronauts, watch the launch of satellites and the shuttle first hand and learn more about the space programs and how they help our current and future lives.
I look forward to sharing my experiences and hopefully encouraging you on a path of curiousity about our solar system and beyond!
It's all quite amazing really and so much fun to explore. So let's get started.
Here is a look at our proposed agenda:
Week 1: The International Space Station, country selection and training.
Experiment 1: Living in space
Week 2: Developing our country presentations, exploring the modules and training.
Experiment 2: Eating in Space
Week 3: Developing our ISS charter and team selection. International food fair.
Experiment 3: Building a perfect space craft. (It's 'egg'cellent...hopefully).
Families invited.
Week 4: Choosing modules and patch designs. Training.
Experiment: NASA Simulators
Week 5: Training and Module planning.
Experiment 6: Eating astronaut food. Do you have what it takes?!
Half Term
To Infinity and BEYOND!!!
To Infinity and BEYOND!!!
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