Solid to Liquid to Gas...Changing States

Today in class we looked at magma and lava and considered how, when cooled, the quickly flowing liquid returns to becoming a hard, unbend-able rock! We then switched over to the cool antarctic and could almost feel our own body slowly stiffen from cold as we viewed the coldest and driest region on Earth. All materials on Earth can exist in either a liquid or solid state depending on their 'melting points'.
Magma rock will melt at 1500° C
Water will melt at a much cooler 1°C
We then experimented with how solids of different sizes would 'flow' through our fingers - viscosity. I hope you share with your families what you have learned. Here's a question to ask them.. Cars need a liquid of a certain viscosity. What is it?
For homework, visit the BBC KS2 Bitesize Solids and Liquids website, try out the "Try This" Melting and Freezing Points and then have a go at the quiz. Bring in a copy of your quiz effort to share! If you can't get on the web at home, let me know at school.
BBC KS2 Solids and Liquids Website:
and check out the Celts in the Iron Ages:
For a more in depth look into the Changing states, explore these sites:
What is a solid, liquid and gas? Chem4Kids can clear it up! The States of Water
Volcanoes from The National Geographic
The Antarctic found on the NG environment page.
Prehistoric Iron Smelting
King Midas Activity
How solids travel at different speeds through different liquids- viscosity
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