Saturday, 21 May 2011

Grocery list

.I have looked through the grocery lists for session 2  and I don't think we need much.

Their must was to make grocery lists...and they did a GREAT job!  Their should's were recipes....also well done and Monday we will create summaries of our cupcake engineering!

J and I are making our own designer cupcakes
now that we have been inspired by yours!
However, I had to redirect him to the 'healthier' section!
We do need
 one box of butter, 
buttermilk (smalllllll)
2 cartons of eggs, 
vanilla extract (large)
and Stevie or the other artificial sugar that is not Slenda. 
Wheat flour or rice flour (but only for one if this is your group could you bring a small bag?)
Sprinkles (how are these diabetic? I'm wondering :)
Mousse Jello
I will bring the honey.

Here is the link to the google document so you can update if you are briinging anything.  You do not need to sign can add or check you are bringing an item and just hit save! last names please.

We have sugar, banannas, all purpose flour, baking soda & power, salt, lemon, lime juices and an orange..bluberries, milk

Friday, 20 May 2011

Grocery List

STS 134 launch taken from plane.
Nothing to do with cupcakes I know!
I are looking for the grocery list. I will have it updated tomorrow around noon. Tonight is Jon's birthday and today was a busy day baking with Session 1 and 3. I will post pics of their cupcakes on Monday.

Monday, my homeroom class will be holding our first CUPCAKE WARS!! Each group sat down today and thought about how to improve the texture or taste of the original cupcake and then rewrote their recipe and grocery list. I will work to combine the items on the list tonight or tomorrow morning and look at the items we already have...then make a final list for students to bring in supplies for. Don't worry...the list won't be long because we have been making mini cupcakes and still have quite a bit of ingredients left over.

A very special thanks goes out to Mrs. Schultz! She was our guide bakery supervisor and really helped both gluten-free, vegan sessions run smoothly...yes smoothly! Loudly and busy as well...but we DID IT!

Have a great weekend and I look forward to see you all on Monday.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Cupcake Wars BEGINS! Here is a look inside session 2 and request for some materials

This very bananna cupcake is topped with bananna icing
and a strawberry (so the bananna does not overpower).
This cake was designed to be low in processed sugars.

If you read this tonight,

if there is a chance you could bring in teaspoon and tablespoon measuring spoons or a plastic measuring cup that would be great. We were a little short on those today. I also did not find Xanthm gum, so if you have some, I think we will be ready. I am also going to try to stop by tonight at the health food store.

We also need... banannas, strawberries, an organge, two packages of all purpose, gluten free flour, dried lavendar and MandMs (Gabriel insists they are gluten free!) and tofu!

This cake is very low in sugar.  In fact, I think the group
did not add any!  They replaced the sugar with citrus juices,
such as lemon and orange.  For their re-design,
they are going to add some lime as well!
The frosting is a sugar free moose that is store-bought!

------------------- Session 1 and 2 ----------------------

Also low in sure, a white cake with dark chocolate filling
and dipped strawberry!
The filling is an original!

Today we used a premade box of gluten free cupcakes for the first session. It was look to learn how we would try to have 4 teams making different kinds of cupcakes without turning our classroom into a mess. The students did great! For the 2nd session we had 4 teams turn out 4 cupcakes fromt their own design. The students truly engineered their own recipes and explained the thinking behind the modifications and choices. One group even made 'from scrath' their own chocolate filling!

A yummy chocolate gluten-free and yegan with low sugar.

Here are pics of our engineered cupcakes. After tasting the groups will go back and think about how to improve the taste and/or texture of their cupcakes.

Monday session 2 will have a chance to remake their new recipe. The other two sessions will have to give it a go over the summer! Tomorrow should be a yummy Thursday!

Monday, 16 May 2011

Homework May 16, 2011

Homework will be light this week, although students need to stay focused and maintain quality work during our school days (I know they will).

Tonight students should be researching lightly a question they had as they modified a recipe for their nutritional challenge.

We also watched the launch today!!!!  We are so fortunate to live here on the Space Coast!
Best wishes STS-134.  We will be staying updated with your endeavors!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Field trip tomorrow and don't forget to study MATH!

Homework:  Review/revise for math and science test on Friday.  Get lunches and wet-able clothing ready for tomorrow morning.
-----------------------------------------In class ------------------------------------------------------------
We completed our math study guide today.  In small groups, I am revising with students who have 'red' or 'yellow' on some standards.  They are doing such a great job of traffic lighting their work, although they still seem nervous sharing if there is a concept they don't know verbally.

Being able to say "I don't know" is such a strength!  Students are learning to be the leaders in their have the understanding to know what they need help with and to be confident enough to ask for help.  I notice some students color code well but then do not come to small group support when offered.  I am trying to 'find them out' before Friday's end of year math test.

I have also had some great discussions where students share that they talk at home about what they don't understand and family members (even big brothers, sisters or cousins) are taking time help out.  BIG HUGS for all your support!
However....if you find your student truly does not understand a concept, please let me know by using those 'red' and 'yellow' circles (or the words).

Here is to a great field trip tomorrow.  I am looking forward to getting very wet and seeing all the little creatures we find living in the inlet!

Have a good Wednesday....

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Traffic lights...what is my student taking about?

Homework:  Page 3 and 4 in math study guide.  Traffic light EACH question.

We traffic light our work...sometimes each question, depending on the standards we are covering.  What does traffic lighting mean and how does it help students learn?

Traffic lights help students use assessment for learning!

Well.... students learn to use red, yellow and green when they personally assess their work.  We use hand signals in class that also match the lights.  Red reflects "I have no clue." So I would set up time to work with that student 1 to 1 or in a small group.  If they are 'yellow'..they feel they can do some of the work.  However, they have questions or don't feel confident.  We might still work in small groups or they could team with another student who is green.

Green = "I got this and can do it  independently!"  If I see more than one green for a standard AND all the work is correct, I know this student is ready for some above level work and, possibly, ready to move to a new standard!

Homework should be traffic lighted.  If you helped your child understand, have them place a yellow and also a green.  Using both colours lets me know the student had questions, but with support, understands the concept now.

Maybe I should implement traffic lights at home when my own children do their chores!!!! :)
Have a good evening!

Monday, 9 May 2011

Homework May 9, 2011

Homework and Dates to Know
End of Year Math Test Friday - Click for PDF version of study guide
Tonight's math homework: Page 1 and 2 of packet.
Tomorrows:  page 3 and 4.  For GSP it is due on Thursday.
All questions should be traffic lighted... "Green": I totally get it.    "Yellow":  I have some questions still.  "Red": I have no clue.

Questions:  Can I traffic light a page at a time?  No.  Each question represents a different learning goal (standard).  I want you to be able to share with me which standards you feel you know well and which ones you need help on.

Dates to Know:
Tues - Keep Brevard Beautiful in the afternoon.  Our schedule will be modified to support the visit.
Thurs - Get ready to get wet as we explore the Sebastian Inlet!  Our field trip is Thursday!
Friday - TEST day.  There is no getting around it.  You have a Social Studies, Science and Math test.  So start studying a little each day and you'll feel prepared.

If you have any questions, you can e-mail me through Ed-line NOW!!!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Thursday, May 5th and homework!

Today in class we started reviewing math concepts for our end of the year math test. We have been working on revising our poems and will start publishing today...thinking about how the text, placement of the text and graphics can give impact to the mood or message.

We also went over our Cupcake project yesterday and have homework due on Friday.  Students started a food science and technology journal.  One the first page we began an end of year 'task list'.  We need to complete:
Research for a nutritional challenge.
Study for math end of year test.
Finish poetry book
Create your own recipe.
Bake the recipe.
Test your cupcake for taste and texture.
Improve the recipe.
Make it again.
Test it again.
Have a Cupcake War and receive feedback from 'experts'.
Submit recipes to our community.
Write up our research to share with other food scientists!

In addition we had homework that is due on Friday.  It is very important for our project that we work together and complete all the tasks needed to make the cupcakes healthy and tasty for our target focus group.

Research by reading lightly...please print out or write a short paragraph on 2 of the following topics.  However...please read a few paragraphs on each of the topics or you may discuss a topic with someone as well.

What is food science?
What is food technology?
What is diabetes?
Why does someone need to be gluten free?
What is vegan?

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Sorry......just got home

This was a busy day!  Not only at school but after school as well.  I know some of you came here to look for homework...and I will post it later tonight.  Homework set today will be due on Friday so you will have one more day!

And BI G HUGS for all the wonderful SWEETS!!!!  I didn't take a picture and will do so tomorrow...but I did eat quite a bit of chocolate! lol  Thank you!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Terrific Tuesday and homework

What a great way to start the day!
What a another surprise!  My chair was decorated by little elves so bright and cheerfully!  Each time I sit down I will think of you all!  Thank you bunches!

Today we continued to edit our poem and took a look at some of the other math standards we will find on the end of the year math test coming up in a little over a week.  We should be able to take fractions such as 1 1/2, 5 3/4, 7 1/4 and turn them into decimals.

Since we are approaching 5th grade, we no longer use terms like 'point 25' and instead use '25 hundredths'.  It's kind of tricky...but using the correct math vocabulary helps us remember the value of our decimal numbers.  We can also use our decimal vocabulary to turn a decimal back into fractions!!!  '5 tenths' = 5/10!
Very cool!

Tonight we are working on our FAST FACTs.  At the beginning of each week, we take a Fast Fact quiz to test ourselves on multiplication or other calculations.  This week we are reviewing our math multiples, finding equivalent fractions and reducing fractions.  On Friday, we take the quiz again...but this time, we get a grade.  So through the week, if we don't feel 'strong' on the calculations we are working on, we can study them.
the bottom of FF this week covers fractions!

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, 2 May 2011

Monday, May 2nd... Thank you and Homework (good homework!)

First, "THANK YOU!"  Wow!  What lovely flowers I received today. If I can take a picture and upload fast enough...I will place them here.  Mrs. Johnson is like a guardian angel and let me know today that we should be working on our spelling words.   Hmmmm.... not one student mentioned a word about spelling!  How surprizing! :)

Thank you for the beautiful flowers!  

That said, I will work to get together some appropriate spelling words for you to revise tomorrow.  We are going to finish up our poetry books this week and work through the rest of the year on Persuasive essays!

Today we revised 3 areas of math... finding equivalent fractions, finding the equivalent decimal of a fraction and multiplying fractions (doubling, tripling, eg.  We will have a  review test on Wednesday so today we thought about what we knew and didn't know about those topics...asked questions, thought about the 'why' and 'how'...and traffic lighted our understanding.  From there, students choose the homework they felt they could do comfortably... reteach, practice or enrichment.  All worksheets are linked below if needed.  I was really impressed by their ability to think about their understanding and learning!!!  I feel they are right on.

Homework is in PDF format....
Click below to retrieve document.

Reteach  (yellow)                 Practice (yellow to green)                Enrichment (solid green ready to move on)

Friday, 29 April 2011

More pic lits... I love their work... clever poets!

PicLit from
Mary's - I so agree with your poem on reading!
See the full PicLit at

Some students have been continuing to work on poetry at home and have created beautiful and clever work! Mary, especially, has taken time to write a free verse and quite a few others. So please, head to our pic lit page and share your thoughts.

Here are samples of the more recent work by Mary and Kate!

PicLit from
Kate captured the danger & fear in the circle of life!
See the full PicLit at

I found this piclit by another author and thought..."How cleaver and how true!"

PicLit from
See the full PicLit at

The launch was scrubbed!!! Check us out on Fl Today's Flame Trench

We watched the crew drive almost to the VAB live on NASA TV!
All pics by

I wondered what my first launch back would be like in a classroom...surrounded by four walls and not out among the thousands of excited people.  Well...the energy and excitement our 4th graders have for the space program is truly out of this world!  We had soooo much fun in 1st and 2nd session monitoring the launch live through NASA TV.   It was a surprize to see the scrub live.  We were watching as the AstroVan was driving up towards the VAB.

STS-134 will be carrying spiders into space!

We asked questions from Jame Dean of Fl. Today's Flame Trench "LIVE" and found out the shuttle is taking up spiders!!  More from NASA...
and Florida Today's Flame Trench. 
Here is a sample...
James Dean: 
Depending on where you start counting, Caleb. The launch itself only lasts about nine minutes, while landing takes about an hour from the time they start dropping out of orbit. But the countdown to launch lasts three days. And it generally takes at least five months to get a shuttle ready for launch.
Friday April 29, 2011 10:29 James Dean
[Comment From WMSS 4thWMSS 4th: ] 
Does it take a different amount of time to land then to take off? Caleb : - )
James Dean: 
Kaila, as we speak, a team of inspectors is out at the launch pad checking out the entire shuttle from top to bottom. They're officially called the Final Inspection Team, and also known as the "ice team." One of the things they're looking for is ice that could form on the external tank. It or any other loose debris could damage the shuttle heat shields during launch. So we'll want to know if the FIT team is reporting any concerns, but I haven't heard of any yet.
[Comment From WMSS 4thWMSS 4th: ] 
Does anybody inspect the shuttle??? kaila* 

James Dean: 
American astronauts living on the station typically stay for about six months. I know some Russian cosmonauts have lived in space longer, but would have to look up the numbers. As for total days, that's an appropriate question for this mission. Endeavour mission specialist Mike Fincke will set the U.S. record for most total days in space during this mission. His total now is just over 365 days -- a full year of his life spent in orbit.
Friday April 29, 2011 9:59 James Dean
[Comment From WMSS 4thWMSS 4th: ] 
What is the longest time that the astronauts have been in space? Jaime 

The night before...beautiful lightning right off of STS-134's launch pad by

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Wow new blog design and no homework!

Countdown...less than 24 hours until Endeavor's launch!
Hi! Well, what do you think? I have a wonderful techy, shabby chic friend who makes blog designs and she came up with this one for our class!!! I was excited and surprised to see the design today because we talked my thoughts on Earth and space science.  Very excited...

OK... No homework.  We worked hard today.  I am truly making their minds think.  Our students know how to calculate numbers, yet have found challenge with choosing the right operation when solving real world problem.   Today we reviewed how to divide the numerator by the 'demonator' (I have no idea why I keep writing that...I'm thinking too much Phineas and Ferb) to get the equivalent decimal.  We tried some harder versions 8/11 and such.  Then we moved on!

Our goals today was to look behind the scenes to see what happens when we double, triple or quadruple fractions.  Some students just knew double 1/2 was a whole...but we took a number line and really worked through what we were adding.  Then, we worked some unusual fractions like 8/11.

Tomorrow we will learn the 'easier' way of multiplying fractions by whole number and try our hand at solving problems where we are increasing the servings for recipes and the ingredients.

Remember...tomorrow is  a BIG day!  We have a Royal wedding and our Endeavor launch!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Homework and a look at our learning about fractions and decimals.

The shuttle Endeavor's crew for STS 134!  Launches Friday at a space center near YOU! Approx 3.47pm!
Question? E-mail me from our main web page... What are you doing for the Endeavor launch on Friday?

Convert the following fractions into decimals:
1/5, 1/8, 2/5, ½ , 2/4
--------------What we are learning.------------------------------------------------------------------------
I share with students each day their 'must', 'should', 'could'. These are learning goals (or targets) we are striving for during our lesson or longer unit. For math, today, we were exploring how to change the fractions in our cupcake recipes into decimals.

Must: Know that a fraction is a way of representing division and able to write a fraction as a division problem.

Should: Know the names of fraction parts.

Could: Take the numerator of a fraction and divide it by the denominator to find the equivalent decimal.

Why? As we increase our recipes servings, we will have to increase the ingredients. Some students found that they used decimals to find the number of 'times' they needed to make the recipe in order to serve a larger number of people for a party. By using decimals, the students were able to reduce the amount of 'remaining' cupcakes they found they would have when first using 'multiples' of the original serving size.

For example, Ava needed 54 cupcakes using a recipe that yields 12. She tried 12 X 5 =60 but felt that would be too many extra cupcakes. Since Ava was thinking as a bakery owner, she want to make as close to 56 cupcakes so she wasn't spending any extra money making cupcakes she didn't need.

So...she tried 12 X 4.5 = 54. Ava felt she was a strong enough baker who wouldn't need extra cupcakes and knows she needs to make her recipe 4.5 times.

WHICH LEADS US TO TODAY! :) Here is a good web page on converting fractions to decimals.

Today we learned the 'what' behind fractions. How fractions are really a way to record a division problem waiting to be solved. Students took n
notes as we even talked a little about algebra.

So... taking ¾. 3 is the numerator represented by 'n'. 4 is the denominator represented by 'd'. If fractions represent the division problem 'n' divided by 'd', we wrote it out as we would normally with 'n' underneath the division symbol and 'd' in the front of the division symbol. (This is hard to write out not having the dividing image).

Then we took ¾ as our example and divided 3 by 4 making sure we put the 3 underneath and 4 in the front.
When we found that we could take no '4's out of a 3, we added a decimal point on the top of the division system right after the 3, then placed a '0' to the right of the 3. This lets us know that any numbers to the right of the decimal are not 'whole'. So we are finding parts! You can follow along belong. Just watch for where you place the decimal point and where you place the zeros you need to solve the problem.
REMEMBER! Decimals have NO remainders. So you need to keep solving until you have nothing left to divide OR the numbers repeat!

Convert the following fractions into decimals:
1/5, 1/8, 2/5, ½ , 2/4

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Tonights math homework...increasing cupcake recipes!

Math Homework

The students know how to 'do' double digit multiplication. Still, I want them to understand 'what' is going on when they are multiplying factors. When we use the standard algorithm to solve a double digit problem, I've noticed students think of the numbers as 'ones' rather than tens and ones. For example, 25 X 13....
X 13

Most students would say they solved this problem by multiply 5 X 3, carry the 1, multiply 3 X 2 then add 1...go to the next line. Add a 0 or an X. Multiply 1X5 then 1X2. Then add both.

When we think about the numbers having value, solving the problem changes.
25X3 + 25X10 = 325

So today we took notes on the different strategies we could think of when solving double digit multiplication. This will become important because for our Cupcake Wars we will be asked as bakers to increase recipes so we can serve more people. Having an understanding of what is truly going on when we multiply double digits will help us to ensure an answer is reasonable. We don't want to come up short or try to make too many and find we don't have enough ingredients.

Use the number of servings in your own cupcake recipe or use 12 servings.
How many 'times' will you have to increase your recipe to serve:

a party of 54
a school party of 100
a Manatee game of 850.

All people get one cupcake. You can have a little more but not too much more (so the remainder should be less than the original serving size).

The key word is 'times'. What number X (your recipe's serving size) will have a product that is at or slightly over the amount of cupcakes you need?

Have a good night!

Mrs. T

Poetry writing standards and update

Do you think you could write a Cinquain inspired by this picture?
We have not forgotten our poetry...we are walking along a different path for a few days to develop our math procedures and learn more about multiplication iin preparation for our project.

Below are the writing standards we are working towards during our poetry unit.  These are posted in our classroom and link to our 'must', 'should' and 'could' that we think about when we think about our learning.

Writing Standards for poetry

LA. Identify and explain how language choice helps to develop mood and meaning in poetry (e.g., sensory and concrete words as well as figurative language).

LA. Create precision and interest by expressing ideas vividly by using different language techniques (e.g., imagery, simile, metaphor, sensory language).

LA. Apply appropriate tools or strategies to evaluate and refine the draft (e.g., peer review, checklists, rubrics).

LA. Use elements of spacing and design to enhance the appearance of the document and add graphics where appropriate.

Monday, 25 April 2011

What is multiplication? A look at our learning....and homework of course!

Homework:  Study your multiplication tables.  Try out different strategies to help you find the products of multiples you find challenging.  Many students find 7 and 8s touch.  So start with the ones you know and try doubling or adding from a multiple you know well!

Today we dived deeper in the math concept of multiplication. I have a lot of fun asking 'what is' and 'why' questions when it comes to math because, typically, students seem to memorize what they have to do without really understanding what they are doing during the calculation process.

So... if you have a chance...ask your child to explain 'multiplication', 'factors' and 'multiples'.  Together as classes, we came up with our own definition to help use understand why we have to learn multiplication.

This week our math learning standards are:
MA.4.A.6.4  I can determine factors and multiples for specified whole numbers.
MA.4.A.6.3  I can create equivalent fractions and simplify fractions.
We will touch on MA.4.A.6.5  I can start to relate halves, fourths, tenths and hundredths to decimals and percents.

We will take a look at our poetry tomorrow and begin to publish them on Open Office!

Sunday, 24 April 2011

My Free Verse Poem

Hope you are having a fun spring weekend!  I was at the beach today and the clouds became the inspiration for my free verse poem.  I can't wait to hear what you've come up with.

At the beach....
looking up at the clouds.
Mesmerized by how they mist across the sky.
Different speeds...swirling around.
Oh, here comes the sun!

I had to think for a while about how to describe the way the clouds moved.  I didn't want to say floated or moved.  I wanted another word to really capture what I saw...they reminded me of swirling water!  Like a light mist!

Mrs. T

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Hope you have a good weekend!

Today we crafted our Quatrain and Cinquain poems.  We also reviewed the format for a Free Verse so students would be able to write one this weekend.  The inspiration for a free verse poem?  Anything!  A free verse poem is like taking off a does not have to rhyme or have a set number of syllables.  It should read like a 'dance' or 'art'...something that almost sounds like a song.  If you used too many complete sentences, it will sound like a paragraph!!!  Oh no!  So take off your writers jackets and let your mind run 'FREE!'

The second assignment is to find and bring in 2 cupcake recipes for math on Monday!

Hope you have a lovely 3 days!

Mrs. t

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Fort Christmas - Homework tonight if you read maybe don't read this? :)

First...such lovely manners today!  I really enjoyed watching our students learn about life in early Florida. They seemed to connect with how different life was in the late 1800s when compared to today! I need to review the photo permission guidelines to see if there are any pictures we can publish.  We also got to taste pure cane sugar!!!  I hope students remember the distinct taste because the experience will link to our project that I will introduce on Monday.  

Next...homework!  I did not get a chance to tell session 1 and 3 about their homework.  So we will go over the Quatrain poems tomorrow.  If you review this tonight, I would like for students to try 'crafting' a Quatrain poem 'inspired' by our Fort Christmas adventure.  Session 1 worked together on this in the afternoon and found that trying to rhyme pioneer words is not as easy as we thought!

How did we craft a Quatrain?
First...we brainstormed sentences or phrases of what we liked about our trip.  We did not worry about rhyming; however, we did consider our 'could' (unique and specific words) to help create a clearer picture in the readers mind.  Then, we placed the phrases into an order to see if we could create a 'picture' for the reader.  Once we were happy with the concept, students worked together to reorganize the phrases or looked up words that had similar meanings to achieve the rhyming pattern we wanted to use.

Give it a try!  If you aren't sure about the format of a Quatrain poem, you can find more information under our class website, under current assignments.

ALSO!!!  Students will be using cupcakes as inspiration for our Cinquain poems tomorrow.  To help them prepare, it might be helpful to think about, research some recipes and maybe eat one (I was asked to put this in)....

Mrs. T

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Poetry and homework for Wendesday, April 20th

PicLit from
This author captured the view click on the PicLit

Today we learned about Laterne Poems and the format for Quatrain poems.
You can see all of our by clicking have to click on the pictures so they display large enough to see the Laterne Poems.

PicLit from PicLits.comFor Laterne poems, we headed to the computer lab and used '' to look for inspiration.  Once we found the 'right' picture, students created a Laterne Poem around the image, typing their verse in and saving them under our classroom account.
PicLit from

Please note... not all students were able to access in a timely manner.  The images are beautiful and of high quality which caused the loading times to increase.  Students do not have to complete their piclits at home.  However, they are welcome to explore the site and create some new ones or complete the class assignment if they like.  Some students expressed an interest in using the pictures to publish their Haiku's or Tanka.  As long as you approve at home, they are welcome to sign on and save their work so I can see it.

PicLit from
This one was designed at home! WOW!

Tomorrow, students will have homework!  They should write a Quatrain poem 'inspired' by their field trip to Fort Christmas!  If you have questions about the format of a Quatrain, you can find more information under our classroom webpage:  - under 'Current Assignments".

Cheers, Mrs. T
PicLit from PicLits.comPicLit from PicLits.comPicLit from PicLits.comPicLit from
PicLit from
I will edit this post tonight and add some piclits that students designed.

PicLit from
PicLit from PicLits.comPicLit from

PicLit from
PicLit from

PicLit from PicLits.comPicLit from

PicLit from