Homework: Study your multiplication tables. Try out different strategies to help you find the products of multiples you find challenging. Many students find 7 and 8s touch. So start with the ones you know and try doubling or adding from a multiple you know well!
Today we dived deeper in the math concept of multiplication. I have a lot of fun asking 'what is' and 'why' questions when it comes to math because, typically, students seem to memorize what they have to do without really understanding what they are doing during the calculation process.
So... if you have a chance...ask your child to explain 'multiplication', 'factors' and 'multiples'. Together as classes, we came up with our own definition to help use understand why we have to learn multiplication.
This week our math learning standards are:
MA.4.A.6.4 I can determine factors and multiples for specified whole numbers.
MA.4.A.6.3 I can create equivalent fractions and simplify fractions.
We will touch on MA.4.A.6.5 I can start to relate halves, fourths, tenths and hundredths to decimals and percents.
We will take a look at our poetry tomorrow and begin to publish them on Open Office!
February’s Parent Engagement Resources
1 week ago
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