Hello 4th grade,
It was a joy to meet you all today! We went right to work on our poem project handed over by Mrs. Johnson and added a discussion on 'inspiration.' To help find inspiration, we spent some time in our school's beautiful garden area looking for ideas for our Tanka poems. We also looked deeper at the 'rules' for Two Word Poems and Haiku's. You can find information on the 7 poem formats we will be working with on our class webnpage under assignments.
Tomorrow we will continue on with Lanterne and Quatrain poems using pictures from a website called www.piclits.com for inspiration.
Wednesday we have a field trip...so if you have not turned in your permission forms, please do tomorrow. We want you to attend! We shall be heading back to the early pioneer days and experiencing life without all the amazing technology we have now.
I shared our project idea with one session today and if you have time, I hope you will look into the following 'keywords' as clues to what I would like our classes to explore.
Cupcake Wars
juvenile diabetes
Tomorrow we will try to publish some of our poems on our blog!
Hope you have a good Monday!
Mrs. T
February’s Parent Engagement Resources
1 week ago
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